
LL’s Science Strategy for the coming decade

ILL science strategy working group meets again

Last week, the second meeting of the ILL's Science Strategy Working Group took place at the ILL. Each of the focus groups created in the first meeting in March presented the state of the art of one of the key scientific areas identified and the contribution of neutrons in this area, as well as proposals on mechanisms for implementing the Science Strategy. These presentations prompted fruitful discussions, making it possible to identify emerging research areas as well as research areas, both fundamental and applied, that could be consolidated by developing internal research programmes or strengthening user support. The Working Group will continue its work in preparation for the third meeting scheduled for 17/18 June, focusing on prioritising scientific areas based on their impact and refining the solutions proposed for  strategy implementation.

The scientific strategy working group is developing ILL’s Science Strategy for the coming decade. It comprises 14 ILL scientists, 12 external scientists and a chairperson also from outside the ILL. The external members of the Working Group, who come from both academia and industry, were selected based on the recommendations of the Scientific Council. Their fields of expertise cover the whole spectrum of scientific and technical research areas that can be addressed using neutrons, many of which are closely linked to current societal challenges. The ILL members of the Working Group were selected from volunteers among ILL scientists. The Working Group is chaired by Robert Feidenhans’l of the European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility (European XFEL) in Hamburg.