

- News,Industry,Soft matter,European news

Samuel Winnall and Wenke Müller are currently carrying out their PhDs as part of the InnovaXN programme. While Samuel specialises in reflectometry and molecular dynamics simulations, Wenke specialises in small-angle scattering, and is focused on…

- News,General news

This week the European neutron research community gather in Lund, Sweden, to share and discuss the latest progress in neutron research within areas such as life sciences, the environment, smart materials and energy solutions. For the first time, the…

- News,Nuclear and Particle physics,General news,PF2,S18,Austria
- News,Industry - Metallurgy & Engineering,European news,Salsa

On September 21, 2022 the annual project meeting of EASI-STRESS was held in Grenoble, France at the European Photon & Neutron Science Campus, hosted by ESRF - The European Synchrotron and ILL - Institut Laue Langevin. It was followed by a public…

- Advanced materials,Magnetism,Scientific news,United Kingdom

Courtesy of ISIS.

- News,General news

A meeting of the “ILL strategy post 2023 working group” took place at the German Embassy in Paris on 12 and 13 September

- News,Environment,Scientific news,FIGARO,United Kingdom
- News,Environment,Industry - Advanced Materials,Industry - Agriculture & Food,Industry - Construction Materials & Geotechnics,Industry - Microelectronics,European news
- News,General news,European news,United Kingdom
- Biology Health,Scientific news,DALI,USA

By Upward, the official magazine of the ISS National Lab